Our purpose is to increase the respect level towards the human, environment, energy resources and other natural resources in which we live.
Our target is to ensure the safety of the human life with safe facility and equipment, and protect the environment and energy consumption with the possible minimum natural resource usage.
Through our engine manufacturing activities which we have been carrying out in different locations, İnci GS Yuasa undertakes to ensure the health and safety of our subcontractors, guests and company employees working outside of the business facility, and within this scope to evaluate the risks and opportunities of our management systems on Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety executively and inspect them on a regular basis;
To comply with the legal and other requirements for which we have compliance liability during our activities which we have carrying out as the company and inspect our compliance on a regular basis;
To determine the situations and behaviors and possible risks which might have an possibility to cause occupational accidents, occupational illnesses, energy consumption, efficiency, use and environmental impacts by conducting an effective risk evaluation and to take any necessary measure to eliminate them; to provide the tools, hardware and protective equipment and to ensure their usage;
To decrease the environmental pollution by using the raw materials, energy sources and other natural resources in the most effective way and to increase energy efficiency,
To continuously improve our efficiency in the design of products and processes that affect energy performance, the supply of products and services, and energy consumption and natural resource consumption,
To ensure the existence of any information and resource to meet the purposes and targets on Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems;
To use the appropriate technologies for zero occupational accident, energy efficiency and sustainable environment;
To increase the awareness level of our employees on Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety management systems through the trainings to be provided and ensure the participation of our employees by taking their opinions regarding the management system’s activities in force;
To inspect the targets of Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety management systems which have already been documented on a regular basis;
To foresee the possible situations to be come across with in the future by taking into consideration the global development and inspect the constant development and our current situation;
To ensure our employees, subcontractors, guests, company personnel working outside of the business facility and other all related parties to access our policy;
To comply with the requirements of Environment, Energy, Occupational Health and Safety management systems within the scope of this policy in full on behalf of its all employees.
Document No: PLT-02 / Issue Date: 24.03.2015 / Rev.No: 04 / Rev.Date: 18.10.2022
Managing Director